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bey's corner

" if i kiss u, its doesnt mean that I LOVE YOU.. and if i ask you to go to bed and have sex with me, DONT expect that i will be a LOVER for u.. and if i SHARE my feelings and letting you to be a part of me... ohhhh, GOD knows...U GOT ME! "
xoxo - bey


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be positive

another post..finally...
setelah bbrapa hal yg luar biasa dan byk hal yg biasa yg terjadi dalam hidupku...
dan stlah bingung mw ngepost apa..akhirnya aq bisa nulis juga.. huffftt!! ternyata nulis tu gak gampang.

apa yang saya lewati belakangan ini???
well, saya sibuk belajar and belajar..khususnya soal kredit yang sumpah! asli! bner2 menguras energi ku dan membuat pusing sepusing - pusingnya..
selain itu secara pribadi saya juga belajar untuk lebih bertanggung jawab dengan semua yg saya lakukan, lebiih memikirkan dengan matang apa yg hrs saya lakukan..
disamping itu semua saya juga belajar untuk merelakan beberapa hal dan percaya bahwa hal - hal baik akan saya lihat dan alami..
dan pelajaran terpenting bagi saya saat ini dan sampai saat ini saya masih terus belajar adalah bagaimana "BE POSITIVE".

bukan cuman be positive thinking tapi lebih dari semua itu adalah bagaimana be positive emotions!!! yup!! memiliki emosi dan perasaan positif merupakan hal yang susah - susah gampang (susahnya 2x lho!!)...

but i'm still learning coz i believe positive thinking comes from positive emotional and positive emotional comes from within your heart!!!
ketika kita memiliki hati yang selalu memancarkan hal - hal yang positif maka itu akan menghasilkan positive emotions yang akan menimbulkan positive thinking dan nantinya akan memampukan kita untuk bersikap positive!!!

yeah!! i think it's time for us to have a positive emotions!!
btw, i would share something that i read from
i believe it's gonna help you to be positive...

Don’t quit

When things go wrong as they sometimes will
when the road you’re trudging seems all up hill
when funds are low and the debts are high
and you want to smile but you have to sigh
when care is pressing you down a bit
rest, if you must, but don’t you quit
life is queer with its twists and turns
as every one of us sometimes learns
and many a failure turns about
when we might have won had we stuck it out
don’t give up though the pace seems slow
you may succeed with another blow
success is failure turned inside out
the silver tint of the clouds of doubt
and you never can tell how close you are
it may be near when it seems so far
so stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit
its when things seem worst that you must not quit.

hope u could be more positive each days...
okay..dah ngantuk banget ne..
that's enough for today!!
i wish u all the BEST!!!

God Bless You with All of HIS BLESSINGS!!!

with love, BeY...

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