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" if i kiss u, its doesnt mean that I LOVE YOU.. and if i ask you to go to bed and have sex with me, DONT expect that i will be a LOVER for u.. and if i SHARE my feelings and letting you to be a part of me... ohhhh, GOD knows...U GOT ME! "
xoxo - bey


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i have a dream

feels like it's been forever,,, finally i'm back again to write some new blog...
yah,,, maklum byk bgt kerjaan n peristiwa yg terjadi di hidupku belakangan ini..
salah satunya ketika blog terakhir aq tulis, aq msh di jkt, and menikmati setiap kemacetan and kemegahan yang ditawarkan ibukota.. and now,here i am, manado...
another beautiful city in Indonesia, gak pernah nyangka bakal smpe dsini..
new city, new people, new culture, new work ... smua perubahan itu jujur membuat aq shock.. *kata temenku culture shock... ;)
klo mw jujur pun, sungguh yg namanya perubahan tu mang gak enak, gak nyaman, and i confess i'm almost give up..tpi aq inget lage ma salah satu kata bijak klo sbenernya di dunia ini hanya ada satu hal yg gak akan berubah yaitu : PERUBAHAN.

banyak rasa campur aduk jadi satu skrg : pasrah, desperate, homesick, kecewa, marah ma diri sendiri, semangat lage, trus pgn kabuur aja...
gimana sih rasanya klo qta dituntut dgn suatu tanggung jwb yg lbh besar pdhl qta lom bner2 siap? gimana sih rasanya ketika km dah berjuang sekeras yg km bs, and hasilnya malah gak dianggep? gimana sih rasanya klo km mencoba utk tersenyum hnya utk menjaga perasaan org2 yg kau sayangi n org2 disekitarmu? gimana sih rasanya klo km dah hampir nyerah and realize it's not suppose to ended like this? all these questions and many more still cross my mind, and trust me i know how it feels...

but in the end, all i know that God never let me alone through all this rough way...
Tuhan slalu bekerja di dlam segala sesuatu yang terjadi...
never give up, never stop to dreaming...
coz i have a dream, someday... yeah..someday i'm gonna see the sun shines through my window,, and when it happens i know that my time is come.. time to shine...

whatever happens tomorrow,, i don't know...
one thing that i know and i try so hard to keep it in my mind and my heart is :

" Do You afraid of your tomorrow?? Jesus said : i was there before you "

berthy, Xoxo...

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