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" if i kiss u, its doesnt mean that I LOVE YOU.. and if i ask you to go to bed and have sex with me, DONT expect that i will be a LOVER for u.. and if i SHARE my feelings and letting you to be a part of me... ohhhh, GOD knows...U GOT ME! "
xoxo - bey


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Christina Aguilera - Not Myself Tonight

Christina Aguilera has revealed that “Not Myself Tonight” is the name for the first single off her new album Bionic.

The 29-year-old powerhouse singer also revealed the artwork to “Not Myself Tonight,” a sexy black-and-white photo of herself with drawn-on devil ears and a tail.

ALSO, the countdown time on has started again. It looks like more big news will be announced the same time tomorrow. So exciting!!! The release of the new single, perhaps???

here's the lyric:

Written by Polow Da Don & Ester Dean
Produced by Polow Da Don for Zone4, Inc.

You know tonight, I am feeling a little out control
is this me, you wanna get crazy, because I don’t give a…

I’m out of character, I’m in rare form
And if you really knew me, you’d know its not the norm

Cause I’m doing things that I normally won’t do
the old me’s gone I feel brand new
and if you don’t like it fuck you

The music’s on and I’m dancing
I’m normally in the corner just standing
I’m feeling unusual
I don’t care cause this is my night

HOOK (x2):
I’m not myself tonight
tonight I’m not the same girl same girl

I’m dancing a lot and I’m taking shots I’m feeling fine
I’m kissing all the boys and the girls
someone call the doctor cause I lost my mind

Cause I’m doing things that I normally won’t do
the old me’s gone I feel brand new
and if you don’t like it fuck you

The music’s on and I’m dancing
I’m normally in the corner just standing
I’m feeling unusual
I don’t care cause this is my night

HOOK (x2)

In the morning, when I wake up
I’ll go back to the girl I used to be
but baby not tonight

HOOK (x2)

Yah, that feels good, I needed that
Get crazy, let’s go, that’s right
Come on, give it to me now, don’t stop

you can download this single at: OR

Download Mp3 Not Myself Tonight- Christina Aguilera

Have Fun Guysss....

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lom pernah...jrang ke konser...malesss...

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be positive

another post..finally...
setelah bbrapa hal yg luar biasa dan byk hal yg biasa yg terjadi dalam hidupku...
dan stlah bingung mw ngepost apa..akhirnya aq bisa nulis juga.. huffftt!! ternyata nulis tu gak gampang.

apa yang saya lewati belakangan ini???
well, saya sibuk belajar and belajar..khususnya soal kredit yang sumpah! asli! bner2 menguras energi ku dan membuat pusing sepusing - pusingnya..
selain itu secara pribadi saya juga belajar untuk lebih bertanggung jawab dengan semua yg saya lakukan, lebiih memikirkan dengan matang apa yg hrs saya lakukan..
disamping itu semua saya juga belajar untuk merelakan beberapa hal dan percaya bahwa hal - hal baik akan saya lihat dan alami..
dan pelajaran terpenting bagi saya saat ini dan sampai saat ini saya masih terus belajar adalah bagaimana "BE POSITIVE".

bukan cuman be positive thinking tapi lebih dari semua itu adalah bagaimana be positive emotions!!! yup!! memiliki emosi dan perasaan positif merupakan hal yang susah - susah gampang (susahnya 2x lho!!)...

but i'm still learning coz i believe positive thinking comes from positive emotional and positive emotional comes from within your heart!!!
ketika kita memiliki hati yang selalu memancarkan hal - hal yang positif maka itu akan menghasilkan positive emotions yang akan menimbulkan positive thinking dan nantinya akan memampukan kita untuk bersikap positive!!!

yeah!! i think it's time for us to have a positive emotions!!
btw, i would share something that i read from
i believe it's gonna help you to be positive...

Don’t quit

When things go wrong as they sometimes will
when the road you’re trudging seems all up hill
when funds are low and the debts are high
and you want to smile but you have to sigh
when care is pressing you down a bit
rest, if you must, but don’t you quit
life is queer with its twists and turns
as every one of us sometimes learns
and many a failure turns about
when we might have won had we stuck it out
don’t give up though the pace seems slow
you may succeed with another blow
success is failure turned inside out
the silver tint of the clouds of doubt
and you never can tell how close you are
it may be near when it seems so far
so stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit
its when things seem worst that you must not quit.

hope u could be more positive each days...
okay..dah ngantuk banget ne..
that's enough for today!!
i wish u all the BEST!!!

God Bless You with All of HIS BLESSINGS!!!

with love, BeY...

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Jessica Simpson's new song - Who We Are

Everyone go to and download to the theme song for POB "Who We Are"!!! and it's free guys, all u have to do just visit that website, click on music, and add your name and your email.. and follow the instructions.. it takes just less than 5 minutes to download the song.

and here's the lyrics:

Who we are
Who we are
Who we are

Who we are
Who we are
Who we are

I have to take control
So much is left untold
Trying to find myself
At times it’s hard to know
Who we are, we are, we are

Words can cut so deep
Weighing down on me
Time and time I see how vicious the world can be
Who we are, we are, we are

We’re beautiful
Our flaws and all
They’re beautiful to me
It’s who we are, who we are
It’s who we’re meant to be

We’re beautiful
Our flaws and all
They’re beautiful to me
It’s who we are, who we are
It’s who we’re meant to be
Now never change a thing

We all have broken days
To paint it on our face
It gets too much to fake
And we wanna hide away
who we are, we are, we are

Inside, inside

We’re beautiful
Our flaws and all
They’re beautiful to me
It’s who we are, it’s who we are
It’s who we’re meant to be
Now never change a thing\

You’ve got to be you for yourself
Cuz you’re like nobody else
Who you are, you are, you are, you are


Our flaws and all
They’re beautiful to me
It’s who we are, it’s who we are
It’s who we’re meant to be

We’re beautiful
Our flaws and all
They’re beautiful to me
It’s who we are, who we are
It’s who we’re meant to be
Now never change a thing

Who we are
Who we are
Who we are

Who we are
Who we are
Who we are

Who we are
Who we are
Who we are

Who we are

don't forget to catch her on VH1 at March 15, 2010..

with Love....


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my big familly " ocean twelve "

and now i would like to dedicate this post to my friends and my big familly "ocean twelve"...
org2 yang dah nemenin aq 3 bulan trakhir tpi serasa dah lama bgt...
org2 yg gila...narziss..tpi ttp cool and smart...
org2 yang ributnya minta ampun tpi ada "isi"nya...
org2 yang tak pernah aq nyangka bkal hadir dalam hidupku... huffftt....

post ne aq buat soalnya aq ngerasa klo special card yang aq ksh buat mereka msh kurang, trlalu byk hal yang ingin aq ceritakan soal mereka... and maaf juga klo ru dipostin soalnya gak sempet mulu, pdahal dah aq ketik sebelum OJT... ;p
and these are my 27 brothers and sisters that i truly love...

  1. Adhit... he's deserve at number one.. karena dia ketua kelasnya ne anak2... orgnya punya jiwa kepemimpinan yang OK! mature, baek, smart and asyyik.. gak kebayang gimana susahnya ngurus 27 org yang aneh,gila,heboh, tpi ttp bs cool...hehe... nice to have u as our leader bro... keep going!!!
  2. Anita... nah ne ibu wakilnya... awal ktmu aq kirain orgnya rada2 sombong gtu..*oopss! tpi stlah ktmu trnyata orgnya asyik, smart, n bisa diajak gila juga lho... aq kirain ne anak serius bgt, eh trnytaaaaa.... sama aja!!! i called her miss calm,soalnya dia tu bs tenang ja ketika ada peristiwa yg dah bqn aq panik,misalnya telat msukin laporan ojt internasional treasury..
  3. Ardi... or nama bekennya oncom!!! gak tau dech dgn pasti gmn asal mulanya tu nama...tpi...yahhh oncommm... salah satu makhluk teraneh.. (sorry y ardi)... no hurt feelings.. kekuatannya adalah bulu matanya yg lentik ngalahin bulu mata tu cwek2 sekelas.. plus ekspresinya klo dah ngantukk...weeww...kagak nahannn buat ketwa..thx y ncom..gara2 lo ngantuk qta bs berkurang dikit... peace y ncomm...
  4. Anin, Miss shopaholic... terknal dengan kegemarannya buat belanja yg gila2an...(koq berasa sama y! ) dan juga dengan celetukannya yang rame but so natural... kelas g bkal sepi tnpa dirimu sis.. sunshine girl... keep shining...
  5. Amalia, Miss.Smart... gmn gak smart nilai ne anak pasti slalu termasuk diatas diantara anak2..makanannya apa y mal??? koq bs smpe segitu??? selain tu amalia juga aq knal sbgai cwek yang punya prinsip..pokoknya berintegritas tinggi dech kyk prinsip 46..hahahaha...
  6. Albert, yupp..this is my BIG BRO! temen seperjuangan...hehehe... orgnya suka bgt makan itulah yang menyebabkan ia layak disebut BIG bro!!! n tentu ja dia juga suka ma yg namanya masak (khususnya buatin kue)... albert, janji yach hrs buatin kue or cake buat kita..WAJIB HUKUMNYA! ttp smangat yach bro, PeDe ja yach bro!!!
  7. Arifni, makkk hajiiii.... pa kbr mak??? she's absolutely CRAZY!!! salah satu makhluk aneh juga ne anak! langka! WAJIB DILINDUNGI! wkwkwk! temen terbaik buat gila2an,ngeceng2in,blnja2,and karaoke yuk mak di inul vizta... you're my best friend in crime!
  8. Arif, hi mas...orgnya kalem, gak byk ngomong, tpi trnyta msh bs diajak gila2an walopun g segila yg laen..calon ayah yang baek ne! aq doain y mas.. mature and wise merupakan kekuatannya...
  9. Asripah ato sebut aja bunga (bukan nama sebenarnya) hahaha... smart girl and so high quality girl..jgn macem2 dech ma dia pokoknya.. miss calculate and financial analysis, mklum nak akuntansi trisakti.. sis bun, kpn donk gbung ma qta smua??? U go Girl!
  10. Adnan, Mr.Thinker sejati!!! pas ktmu ma ne anak dah keliatan bgt klo ne anak smart,thinker, jadinya hati2 dech klo mo ngomong ma ne anak..hehehe..koq jdi serem yach..tpi TERNYATA!!! DIA JUGA GILA!!! KACAU!!!
  11. Budi... org gila..gmn gak aq sebut gila?? masa bisa2nya ngerjain karyawan yg gi nawarin kartu kredit bank laen... trus dia tu motivasinya cmn mo tau tu produk plus ngetes tu mbak n mas.. trus ekspresi tu mas n mba dah bingung setelah ditanya2in tu anak... dasar!!! kurang kerjaan..but he's definetly a smart boy.. suka ngekritik tpi ttp membangun...
  12. Dimas, pas ktmu kesannya koq ne anak diem bgt sich..jdi sungkan juga buat dketin..tpi stlah bebrapa waktu akhirnya aq bs mengenalnya lbh dekat, ternyata ne anak baek bgt, contohnya dia mau jdi mentor BB ku..(oopss..promosi)... dia juga orgnya sangat rapih and kyknya rada2 perfectionist!!! Mas, mabok BPP ma FAK and temen2 nya..kagak kuat aq...
  13. Dadi, nah ne another Mr.Charming... cool and smart!!! tpi ttp bisa gokil...kenal lbh dket pas OJT INT-TRE and mang dia orgnya asyik!! gak nyesel kenal dech ma dia..(walaahhh..jgn GR yah Dad)... wokelaahh,kalo begitooo....
  14. Ester, my craziest friend yet my big enemy..hahahaha..tiada hari tanpa mengejek..wkwkwk..tpi aq akuin dia org yg perfectionist and optimism... gak bisa diem..and ketwanya nyaingin mak kuntilanak..hahaha... pesanku ma ne anak..ster..please,don't forget to take a relaxx...and inget krim anti aging yach dibeli yach... hehehe..peace sis...
  15. Eko, my friend called he as Mr.Sleeping Beauty, soalnya dia bs tidur cukup nyenyak pas di kelas, tpi ttp bs ngasih pertanyaan or ngejawab pertanyaan pas dia bangun... bner2 salah satu keajaiban dunia... Mr.Mucikari..hohoho... orgnya pemikir and slalu mempertimbangkan semuanya dengan seksama... Bro, sometimes life is about take a risk.. nice to have u as my Bro..
  16. Loly, Miss Photogenic Wannabe (nah nulisnya bener gak tuch???)... orgnya asyik...awalnya lumayan kesulitan buat ngenal deket tpi trnyata... wow... geisha booo..jika cinta dia..jujurlah padaku... (ne lagunya loly pas karaokean trakhir)... gayanya asyik...
  17. Nyimas alias Tia alias Tince... yg paling muda diantara semuanya... smart tpi ttp geol gila gitooo... terkenal dengan gaya bahasanya yang agak kebarat- baratan (dengan gaya cinta laura)...but she's a STAR!!! i know it!
  18. Melly, A Little Monster...walopun kecil ne org...tpi jgn salah sangka..bawelnya weewww... cerewetnya weewwww.... pinternya juga wewwww.... anak akuntansi ne... dan skrg bergabung dalam genk kota!!! wkwkwkwk...
  19. Nirwan alias Dono..totally funny... liat ekspersinya ja dah bqn ketawa..sorry bro.. tpi soal pelajaran weewww...jgn ditnya..dia msuk dalam jajaran bintang nominasi paling aktif dalam kelas... yeahh..bner kata nangke, Nirwan is a LIVING LEGEND! cukup tau aja.. gile loe Don...;D
  20. Imron, cwok yang cool and dangerous..dangerousnya bukan yg gimana2 yach..tpi totally he's smart and have a lot of potentials. seorg cwok yang kyknya sich alim (hmmm...msh perlu direvisi dech kyknya, tkutnya terjadi discrepancy) kyknya dia juga adalah kapten kesebelasan futsal di kelas dech... maaf yach Ron, lom prnah gbung buat maen futsall... ;D
  21. Okta, our little princess..ornya kecil, imut, and so gentle like a princess, mulai dari omongannya maupun cara jalannya..hehehe... sempet bqn khawatir qta pas dia hrs msuk RS gara2 tipes kemarin..but she's okay now... take care yach u sista...
  22. Shinta, cwek yg independen and strong..jdi malu dech pas inget di pusdikajen kemarin... she's so strong and tough Girl... so proud of You!
  23. Miki, My BIG BRO! nah..psti bakal sebel dia klo ad yg nyebutin BIG!!! hahahaha...lutchu..geol....and asyik... SUMPAH gw pernah KURUS!!! hahahaha! keep smiling bro! You're awesome!
  24. Pandji, dikenal dengan kelucuan yang semakin menjadi - jadi... hehehe... pa lage pas liat dia ketwa..makin lutcu ne anak.. dia juga adalah aset penting dalam tim futsal kita lho... keep laughing bro! jgn berubah yach!
  25. Rayi... she's so mysterious..hehehehe... jdinya bingung mo nulis apa??? apa karena lom dket yach..okelah klo begitoo..yg pasti orgnya asyik and gayanya juga chic..jiaaahh..chiccc..paan tu artinya??? You're so gorgeous sista!
  26. Nangke, makhluk terlucu and tergila sekelas... sedihnya ketika tau dia harus ninggalin kami..tpi ttp bangga soalnya dia pergi buat suatu alasan yang hebat, dia pengen ngearih mimpinya.. living ur dreams sista. U r A STAR!
  27. Ivan,hahahaha....yg terakhir ne..sorry bukannya lupa, tpi sengaja...inilah ketua kelas pengganti kami stlah adit milih Syariah... kepaksa sich milih ne anak..hahahaha..peace bro.. sangat terkenal dengan sebutan A-hong!!! pinter otomatis!!! Gila!!!! jgn ditanya!!! tu kan syarat buat jdi ketua kelas yang baru!!! hahahaha! ;D
yeah,,that's my bro and sis... a big familly...
sorry yach klo nulisnya g selengkap yg seharusnya soalnya bingung juga ternyata buat nulis kalian atu atu dengan segala kekompleksitasan kalian...
maaf juga potonya dikit... ntr liat ja dech di facebook..terlalu byk poto yg bs kumuat disini sama seperti byknya cerita yang gak bisa kutulis disini...
mungkin kita gak bakal selalu bersama,but i truly believe we're still a friend, even we're more than just a friend..we're one big familly...
we're all STAR and we deserve to twinkle! so it's time to twinkling guys...

with a lot of LOVE, BerthY

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